What is a child dedication?
At Crossroads, we believe that child dedications are a public statement by believing parents that they will train their children in the ways of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). This statement is publicly made before the Lord and the church and includes a prayer of blessing over the family making this declaration.
Does a child dedication ensure salvation for my child?
No. As parents, we cannot decide our child’s salvation for them. Salvation is and will always be a decision reserved for each individual person.
There is no Biblical pre-determined age for salvation (see Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:14-15, Luke 18:17). Crossroads believes that when a child understands the concept of sin and their responsibility for that sin, they are then ready to make a commitment of faith in Jesus. For more information on what Crossroads believes about salvation, please visit our Statement of Faith.
Are child dedications the same as baptisms?
No. Infant baptism and baby dedications are not the same. Crossroads does not perform infant baptisms, as baptisms are an outward confession of an inward commitment.
How old should my child be in order to be dedicated?
Typically, Crossroads dedicates children from birth to three years old. In some cases, older children can be dedicated especially if the parents have recently made decisions to give their lives to Jesus.
Are there references to child dedications in the Scriptures?
Yes. Hannah dedicated her son Samuel (1 Samuel 1:11-28). Jesus was dedicated by his parents (Luke 2:22). Jesus also bestowed blessings on children (Mark 10:16).
Can a single parent dedicate their child in service?
Yes! A child dedication signifies the commitment of parents (or a single parent) to lead their child in the ways of the Lord.
What should I expect the day of the ceremony?
At some point mid-service, the pastor will invite the parents and child on stage and will explain a quick synopsis about what child dedications are and why we do them.
Like vows at a wedding ceremony, the pastor will ask the parents, Is it your desire to dedicate yourselves and your household to the following and teaching of our Lord Jesus? If so, please respond by saying, “We do.” Do you vow to raise your children on the Truths of God’s Word and encourage them to believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? If so, please respond by saying, “We do.” Directly following this statement, the pastor will ask the congregation, Do you vow with God’s help, and in partnership with the family, to support them, encourage them, and hold them accountable in raising their child in the ways of the Lord? If so, please respond by saying, “We do.”
The pastor will then conclude with a prayer of blessing over the child and family.
I want to Dedicate my Child!
Great! Fill out the application HERE.