Mission Statement
Our mission is for students to establish strong roots in their relationship with Jesus by connecting in the body of believers, growing in their knowledge and faith, and going to serve the community and the world.
Freeze Winter Camp is coming up for our students! SIGN UP HERE!
Once registered, to make additional/final payments, CLICK HERE!
Connect With Us
Check out our Roots social accounts and get connected. Follow our Instagram to see what we’re like, and visit our YouTube page to watch some of our services.
Middle School and High School students have their service here including a game, life group family time, worship, relevant teaching and back to life groups for application time. These nights are a great way for each student to connect with other students and leaders at Crossroads. We meet from 6:30pm-8:30pm every Wednesday.
Every first Wednesday of the month we replace life groups with a special fun event after our service time.
It is a time when our students (6th – 12th) come together to discuss and dig deeper into our current series. We meet during the 10:45am service and hang out around tables and build relationships with others from Roots.
Parent Resources
Sign up for our e-newsletter, download some parent cues so you can talk with your student about what they’re learning, or get some Phase Guides to provide you with tools to help you equip your student with faith and life skills.
- https://mailchi.mp/4e7c2b53bed4/roots E-Newsletter
- https://icrossroads.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Be-Humble-Parent-Cue-Card.pdf Middle School Parent Cue
- https://icrossroads.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Take-A-Bow-Parent-Cue-Card.pdf High School Parent Cue
- http://phaseguides.com/ Phase Guides